


谢尔比奥尔谢尔比·奥尔来自阿拉巴马州的莫比尔. 她获得了理学学士学位 in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Kinesiotherapy from The University of Southern 密西西比州. 谢尔比选择了JU的OTD项目,因为它的设施,尤其是 北中心,JU的OTD项目所在地. 谢尔比在海马疗法方面有工作经验 儿童自闭症. 此外,她还写了一篇关于“包括的影响”的论文 physical activity in classrooms with students who have language disorders. 毕业后 and licensure into the field, Shelby wishes to start her own hippotherapy practice.


阿什利北奥阿什利北奥 received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of North 佛罗里达,专攻儿童心理学. 她选择JU是因为它位于 Jacksonville, FL, the 小班授课s, and the opportunity for community involvement 和协作. 阿什利目前在北佛罗里达特殊教育学校工作 as a teacher and views the field of OT as an opportunity to help individuals achieve 独立. 毕业后,她 sees herself working within the special needs community 在儿科环境或那些过渡到成年.


埃莉诺特。埃莉诺特。 graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from 美国西雅图大学. 她选择JU是因为它的声誉,就像它经常列出的那样 在地区最好的学校里名列前茅. 埃莉诺已经看到了OT带来的不同 make in the lives of others through working with the geriatric population in settings 包括日常保健、辅助生活和庇护工场吗. 毕业后, Eleanor desires to continue her work with the geriatric population and/or with veterans, 因为她之前在美国空军工作过.


克莱尔象牙海岸克莱尔象牙海岸 is originally from Robins, Iowa and received her Bachelor’s degree in 人类发展 & 科罗拉多州立大学家庭研究专业. 克莱尔选择了JU 因为OTD项目的领导和研究重点. 她说,“JU的课程 让你专注于你最想做的工作.克莱尔有经验 working as a registered behavioral technician and upon graduation, desires to work 在儿科门诊工作,最终开了自己的诊所.


艾米丽Flispart艾米丽·弗里斯帕特在印第安纳州杰斐逊维尔为全球网络赌博平台报道. 她毕业于贝尔蒙特大学 University with a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, minoring in Psychology. 艾米丽 chose the field of 职业治疗 to watch individuals grow stronger as they 学会安排他们的日常生活活动. 艾米丽参与了 National Down Syndrome Associated and has worked as an advocate for Best Buddies and “孤独症代言人”. 她也是“改变健康,态度+行动再造”组织的成员 女孩(CHAARG)和美国运动医学会(ACSM). 艾米丽目前 works as an ACSM certified personal trainer and looks forward to working as an OT 在不久的将来.


珍妮Herrera珍妮Herrera graduated from the University of North Florida with a Bachelor of Science 心理学学位,主修儿童心理学. 她选择了JU进行合作 with the faculty members who are very knowledgeable as they are developing state-of-the 艺术设施. 珍妮来自佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔,有在Brain工作的经验 平衡,以及,在零售环境中. 在业余时间,她在 特奥会和该地区的医院,包括佛罗里达大学健康中心. 毕业后, Janine希望加入这项服务,担任美国医疗服务中心的OT.S. 海军.


米凯拉山米凯拉山, originally from Floral City, Florida completed her undergraduate 研究 杰克逊维尔大学运动机能学硕士. 她的本科教育经历 at JU with friendly faculty and 小班授课s supported her in the decision to 在JU注册职业治疗专业博士学位. 米凯拉已经 always found interest in the ability to help people get back their lives after injury. She currently works and volunteers at Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute as a Rehabilitation 技术员. In her spare time, Micaela also volunteers at Brooks Rehabilitation within 儿童脑损伤患者与适应性划船.


布里奇特琼斯布里奇特琼斯 is from Port Orange, Florida and received her Bachelor of Science degree 中佛罗里达大学临床前健康科学专业. 布丽姬特选择了 JU because of the quality faculty and intra-professional curriculum design. 她带来了 a wealth of experience within professional figure skating, serving as a coach and 编排. 此外,布里奇特还积极参与健康意识/倡导活动 programs, as well as, an international medical outreach society during her undergraduate 研究. 毕业后,她将继续在美国工作.S. 退伍军人事务; 专攻手部治疗和创伤性脑损伤.


艾丽卡里昂埃里卡·莱昂斯来自佐治亚州的不伦瑞克. 她获得了运动学理学学士学位 获得佐治亚南方大学运动科学学位. 艾瑞卡选择JU是因为 the unique clinical partnerships established within the Brooks Rehabilitation College 保健科学. 在加入OTD项目之前,埃丽卡在一个大四学生那里工作 作为健康生活方式主任. 她也花了时间 volunteering with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, and 《全球网络赌博平台》唤起了人们对阿尔茨海默病的关注. 毕业后,艾瑞卡 wants to specialize in hand therapy and working with the geriatric population.


蒂芙尼阮Tiffany joins JU from Houston, 德州 with a Bachelor’s degree from 德州 A&米大学 (TAMU)在运动机能学,专门研究运动行为. Tiffany选择JU是因为它 小班授课. “我来自美国最大的机构之一 德州. 小而亲密的教室环境令人耳目一新.蒂芙尼充满激情 关于教授身体的整体观. 她相信OT可以帮助他人 beyond the surface level and provide a path to contribute her passion in both mind & body. Tiffany is a certified yoga instructor and during her time at TAMU helped 发展为学生服务的专业瑜伽项目. 毕业后,蒂芙尼 wishes to gain experience in a clinical setting serving 儿科人群, 同时获得手部治疗认证. 从长远来看,她希望开一家自己的诊所 做理疗和瑜伽治疗.


希拉•诺里斯希拉•诺里斯 graduated from the University of North Florida with a Bachelor of Science 营养与营养学. 希拉选择JU的项目是因为它的地理位置和声誉 以及他们的OTD项目愿景. 她是一家国际公司的联合创始人兼董事 portable storage business and hopes to use her experience in program development, problem solving and motivating others to help her future clients achieve their goals. In her spare time, Sheila volunteers as a master gardener, educating the public on 住宅景观和园艺实践. 毕业后,希拉计划留下来 in the First Coast area and hopes to explore the areas of TBI and neurological diseases, 以及程序开发.


布鲁克页面布鲁克页面 received a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from the University of North Florida and chose the field of OT because of its endless career opportunities 帮助他人恢复对日常生活活动的信心. 布鲁克目前 works at an inpatient facility, Brooks Rehabilitation, serving as a Therapy 技术员. 布鲁克喜欢旅行和体验不同的文化. 毕业后,她 desires to become a traveling OT specializing in 儿科人群.


玛塞拉价格玛塞拉·普莱斯来自路易斯安那州的波西尔城. 她获得了学士学位。 of Science degree in Public 健康, with a minor in Psychology from Dillard University. Marcella chose JU’s OTD program because of the program’s values and vision, as she is excited to be a part of a family orientated environment, as well as, join alongside 一个有着不同背景的教员. 过去,她曾帮助过社区 通过参加衣物和食物捐赠来发展. 玛塞拉打算利用 optimism throughout her therapy providing motivation through her slogan SMILE (Strengthen, Motivate, Inspire, Lead, Educate) helping others gain confidence in rehabilitation 完成日常活动.


妮可Reiter妮可从密苏里州的斯普林斯加入了OT项目. 她毕业于麦肯德里大学 拥有心理学学士学位的大学. 妮可选择JU是因为它 curriculum to receive her doctorate degree and licensure within 3 years; their reputation within the community and the endless possibilities it will offer because of their 设施和师资. 在她的业余时间,她在一个治疗马术志愿者 骑中心. 毕业后,妮可希望在医院工作设置服务 儿科人群.


布鲁克·惠特利布鲁克·惠特利 is originally from Courtland, Virginia and received her Bachelor’s 北卡罗莱纳州立大学心理学专业毕业. 布鲁克选择了 field of occupational therapy after personally discovering how an OT helped her grandfather 在他被诊断出患有阿尔茨海默病之后. 在她本科学习期间, Brooke was active in program’s surrounding autism, as well as, a therapeutic equestrian 骑中心. 毕业后,她计划在中国从事职业治疗工作 儿科设置.