
杰克逊维尔大学 (JU) has a comprehensive, integrated planning and assessment 过程. Planning and assessment occurs at the institutional level and extends to 课堂层面. It is a cyclical 过程 whereby plans are developed and implemented on an annual basis, outcomes are assessed, and findings are used to guide improvements. To achieve this 过程, the University utilizes an online assessment system that allows users to align their goals and objectives with those of the University.

Annual plans and reports should serve a greater institutional purpose than merely stating activities undertaken in a given fiscal year. 而不是情景事件 that occur for a few days each summer, meaningful assessment planning and reporting 应该推动全球网络赌博平台的努力. To be fully effective, planning documents should be fully integrated and allow us to document how our work in individual offices contributes 更大的部门和全校范围的目标.

Instead of waiting until the summer months to revisit what has occurred, why it has occurred, and the impact it may have had, a more meaningful planning and reporting 过程 calls for continual engagement and reflection of the effectiveness of our 程序和程序. Institutional effectiveness should be viewed as a 过程 of 持续改进.

The components of Annual Plans and 报告 include: Mission, Vision, Long-Range Goals, Annual Goals, Student Learning Outcomes (where appropriate), Major 活动, and 使用上一学年的成绩.

Beyond being a best practice internally, sound planning and evaluation 过程es on campus provide continued compliance with the expectations of SACSCOC. 第七节 of the SACSCOC Principles of 认证 discusses:

Effective institutions demonstrate a commitment to principles of continuous improvement, based on a systematic and documented 过程 of assessing institutional performance with respect to mission in all aspects of the institution. 制度规划 and effectiveness 过程 involves all programs, services, and constituencies; is linked to the decision-making 过程 at all levels; and provides a sound basis for 预算决策和资源分配.


The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of 以下方面的结果:

a. student learning outcomes for each of its educational programs

此外,标准7.1 specifically asks us to demonstrate compliance with:

The institution engages in ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated research-based planning and evaluation 过程es that (a) focus on institutional quality and effectiveness and (b) incorporate a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent 有了它的使命.

To ensure we truly position ourselves, the Planning and Reporting cycle will be built around the Plan-Do-Check-Act paradigm as demonstrated below.




Master the depth of knowledge required for their academic program, including:

  • Articulating disciplinary and interdisciplinary theories, concepts, principles, and 实践
  • Synthesizing curricular and co-curricular knowledge
  • 应用ing knowledge from core courses, discipline-based courses, and co-curricular experiences in a range of contexts to solve real-world problems and make decisions


  • Evaluating, analyzing, and integrating 信息 from a variety of sources
  • Using appropriate strategies, tactics, and tools to represent, analyze, and integrate 信息
  • Developing critical, reasoned positions, and innovative and creative solutions to 做出明智的决定和评估


  • Speaking publicly, in both formal and informal contexts, demonstrating skills such as appropriate selection of topic and materials, clear organization, effective presentation, and the ability to adapt to audience, setting, and occasion
  • Organizing thoughts and feelings, synthesizing relevant 信息 and concepts, and effectively, clearly, and persuasively communicating perspectives through written 语言
  • 积极、批判地倾听
  • Presenting work effectively to a range of audiences
  • Effectively communicating original and creative ideas, which may include performance, design, or visual representations such as maps, tables, and graphs

Master relevant skills for their chosen career, profession, or passion, including:

  • Using talent, imagination, and skill to create works of art or perform
  • 应用ing relevant professional standards and expectations to their field of study
  • Demonstrating behaviors consistent with the relevant legal and ethical framework
  • Utilizing the newest technologies to ensure readiness




Annual plans for the current academic year are due to OAP September 30. 年度报告 for the previous academic year are due to OAP June 30. 所有的计划和报告 通过 校园实验室规划.